Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo
“Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus.” The Apostles remind us that we are the Body of Christ. We carry in our own bodies and in our own lives the death of Jesus. We cling to the memory of the suffering of Christ that is most real to us in our daily living. For he himself said that they persecuted him therefore as his Body, we too are persecuted. We are at times ridiculed for believing in God, mocked because we pray, hated because we hold out for a life that is eternal and made fun of because we hope and trust in God. But if we share in the rejection, we must also share in the rejoicing, for Jesus has conquered death and has brought us light eternal. We are truly one Body in Christ but likewise we need to be of one heart, mind, and soul. Scripture encourages us to put on the mind of Christ. That is, to think his thoughts, to meditate on his words and to pray as he did, in loving relationship with God the Father. We also pray that our hearts would be like the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Not just similar but to actually have the same heart, the same love and the same attitude for discerning the Father’s will and the same spirit in fulfilling it. Jesus lovingly invites us to remain in his love which is the same love he and the Father share, and certainly the same love he shares with his Mother Mary. A love so sacrificial that it only wills the absolute love and truth for the other. We are also to not only love this way, but in this way remain in the heart of Jesus. To love with Jesus’ heart and to love with his love as well. Our spirit and soul likewise are to be united to the one who has fashioned us for himself and created us in his own image and likeness. Creation itself is about oneness with the One who creates and unity with his creation. God solely desires oneness with his creation. Everything about salvation history is about a redemptive rescuing, formed out of an eternal, undying love that longs for and desires unity, peace and being wholly united in love, life, and truth. Salvation is about gathering together once again. A returning home to the way it used to be. It speaks to us about a returning to an eternal relationship and remaining wholly united to the Body of Christ.
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