26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“But you, man of God, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.” O my Lord, at times I confess that I have pondered and perhaps quietly and even loudly questioned your choice in me; in choosing me, calling me, loving me, in sending me into the vineyard of your unending love. At times, like so many of your beloved sons and daughters, I question your choice by asking without asking or by saying deep within: Why me, O Lord? Why not him or her, O Lord? You know me better than I know myself. You know my inmost thoughts, my honest and true feelings, the core of my being, the weakness of my mind, the temptations of the flesh, the poverty of my spirit, the challenges that plague an aging body. You know that I am not worthy or holy and that I cannot do this. The one thing that I have known is darkness and sin. But you say, “because of my infinite love and divine mercy, I choose you. I love you. I created you for this purpose. Yes, I know your strengths and I have experienced your weaknesses but I also know your gifts and I have experienced your love for me. I choose you, I love you, I call you, and I send you in the name of my Son Jesus who wants you to be free, to be loved, to be him. Trust in the love and mercy I have for you. Trust in the confidence and belief I have placed in you. I have set my gaze upon you. I have called you by name. I have found favor in you. I have chosen you to go into the world to bear fruit that is pleasing to me. I have made you worthy; nothing is impossible for me. I have made you holy so believe because unless you believe you cannot be my Son’s disciple. Unless you trust, you cannot do his work. He has made you holy in his Body and through his Blood for you have been redeemed, forgiven, refreshed, renewed. Yes, you were dead in your sinfulness but are alive in my love and mercy. Do not question my choice. Have no anxiety at all but trust and believe and know without a doubt that I have called you by your name and you are precious in my sight. I have loved you with an eternal love. I have chosen you and sent you to tell others that I love you and you are mine.”


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