28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“The Lord has made his salvation known; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God.” Throughout October, we are reminded of the richness of our faith traditions that this month brings to us each year, especially a renewal of spirit in the active role Mary plays in our lives and the beautiful devotion to the Holy Rosary.  The Rosary consists of the richness of our salvation history with prayers given to us by God to contemplate the great mystery of his love for us and for all humanity.  Through Mary, we can learn to respond to the great gift of God’s love, which is truly pure, holy, unconditional, and free.  Mary’s response to God’s gift is most gracious and generous. She responds in the only way that one can respond to such a precious gift.  She responds with her whole heart, body, soul and mind.  Her life is simply dedicated to God and is a perpetual reflection of God’s love.  Mary loves us just as God loves her. Now as beloved children of God and beloved children of Mary, we are invited through Mary’s intercession to respond to God in a similar way.  We are invited to receive God’s love into the depths of our being and to share it with one another especially those in need. We must realize, accept and rejoice in the fact that we are beloved sons and daughters of God, our Father and beloved sons and daughters of Mary, our mother. Jesus loves his mother. He loves her with a great and perfect affection and Mary loves her son with her whole undivided heart, with her whole undivided body, with her whole undivided mind, with her whole undivided soul. Mary loves God in her lowliness and in her joyfulness, in her poverty and in her holiness, with all her heart and with all her strength. She loves God with her entire being. It is a mother’s perfect love for her God and for her child. God loves Mary as he loves us. Know that when Mary is asked to behold her child, she draws all her attention to us. She draws all the attention of her Son to us. Mary loves us. We are her beloved children. Behold Mary your mother for she has already set her gaze upon you.  Thank you Mother Mary for loving us so much.  “O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary… Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.”


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