Sign up below to RSVP for our next Mass and meeting and to receive email with the reflection for the week. Phone number is optional.
St. Joseph Men’s Group
Please note: We take a break for the month of July. We still meet for Mass at 7am, but there is no gathering after. Thank you!
Inviting all men of our Parish to Mass and fellowship every Friday morning. Join us for Mass at 7am in the Church, followed by great coffee at the St. Gabriel Life Center with a reflection on the readings, prayer and fellowship(ends at 8am).
At Mass, sit with us by the St. Joseph statue (left side of the church) and then join us after in the St. Gabriel Life Center.
Questions? Please contact Scott Stafstrom at 407-869-9472.
Additional Resources
We will post additional resources and topics here and will allow commenting and continued discussion soon. Thank you!
Click Here to listen to a great audio program on St. Joseph.
The audio is free if you have registered for our free parish Formed account. If you have not registered CLICK HERE first for all of the details and to register.