Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me.” What is God’s desire for you? Take a moment to consider it, ponder the question.  Really think about it.  Do not let the question simply pass-through like a passing thought but let it stay awhile and linger so that you may actually chew on the word, taste the question and savor the sweetness that you will extract from taking the time to consider with intention and presence God’s desire for you. Let the thought inform you and as you consider it, let the thought instruct you and as you think about it, let the thought inspire you and as you ponder it, let the thought move you to awe and wonder.  What is God’s desire for you?  As you meditate and contemplate these words, consider how God, who is without need, perfect, creates out of a loving desire.  God’s desire for you is love in the truest sense of a love that is indestructible, permanent and forever.  The kind of love that knowing how its creation will rebel and reject the hand that created it, still chooses to create for true love only desires love so it creates in tender love and recreates and restores in divine mercy.  Love creates for true love forgives from the heart.  True love is relentless in compassion, forgiveness, charity and mercy.  It truly wills only the greatest good for the other.  Sin is an obstacle to love.  Love is the remedy for sin.  Sin destroys and takes apart.  Love unites and makes new again.  Sin causes everyone to suffer sadness and suffering sadness to despair.  Love brings about joyful healing and joyful healing brings gratitude, hope and trust.  If God desires only what is wholesome, good and joyful for you and seeks only to offer you eternal happiness and perpetual peace with him, then what does Satan desire for you?  What does he will for you?  Take the time to think about it.  No sweetness here.  The thoughts are dark; its flavor bitter.  Satan only wills what is opposite and contrary to God’s desire for you.  If God wills only the greatest good for you then Satan can only will the great harm for you.  Satan is a direct obstacle and intrusion to your happiness and the peace that only God can offer you.  If God makes you his beloved child, then Satan wills you to be an orphan.  If God desires you joy and happiness, then Satan robs you of joy and brings you misery.  Think about it.

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