Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.” When we spend time in silent reflection contemplating the salvific events surrounding our redemption and salvation and exploring the depth of Christ’s love for us, we are drawn into the sacred mystery. We are called to remember, to celebrate, to believe. At times, we may be afraid to talk about Jesus’ passion for this could happen to us. It is difficult to imagine or think about the horrible events surrounding the Cross and the manner in which Jesus was treated simply because he loved the poor, healed the sick, forgave the sinner and restored the dignity of the broken-hearted on the Sabbath.  A holy day set aside to do good, to give life, to be holy. Jesus died for being kind and merciful.  He died for eating with sinners and for feeding several thousand of his followers. He died because he said he was the Son of God. Imagine being killed by means of such a horrific death because you said and truly believed you were the beloved child of God. The Passion shocks everyone. It even shocks and surprises those who asked for it. In his death, Jesus is gone but his Body remains. His disciples ask and receive permission to take the body down from the Cross so that it can be properly placed in a tomb. Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene comes looking for Jesus to be with him but she comes to be with him in death. She seeks him in this life. She remains with the past.  She remains with Jesus only in death and in sorrow, in anguish and in pain, in mourning and in grief. Imagine her joy and the joy of all the disciples to know Jesus is alive; he is risen. He is truly risen. The longing, the desire, the love for Jesus overflows. At times, we can stay stuck in the past with all the hurt and pain, with all the discouragement and disappointments, with all the lies and failures. But Jesus is not there. He is risen. He is here in this moment with you.  At times, we spend much of our time thinking about the future and day dreaming about wealth and how things could be better, how they can be easier but Jesus is not there living in a made up future with unsuccessful expectations and richly imaginations. He is here. He is risen. He is in this current moment. He is here with you.

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