Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD.” Trust is such a big thing to ask. It is a privilege, sacred, a blessed grace. Trust in human terms is such a huge responsibility. To ask a person too blindly or too simply trust you simply because you say to. What a tall order to ask an individual. Not to worry about or be concerned about what you will possibly say or do without really knowing the outcome or how you will or might commit us to do something or live with something that might be unethical, immoral, a lie or illegal because you simply ask us to put our trust in you. To have faith in that all will be okay, taken care of, satisfactorily resolved without cheating, stealing or hurting another but by simply trusting and not questioning you when you say “trust me, all will be okay.” That is such a big thing to ask of a person. Not because you cannot be trusted but because our trust has been shattered and broken so often. So many times by people who told us to trust them. Quite honestly, I shudder and shake at the thought of trusting a person at face value and doing so with such blind faith and without further inquiry. Trust because you say so. I tremble at the words, “just trust me.” Honestly, they do not settle well with me. Seriously, I cannot even trust myself, tempted so often with poor judgements, lies and untruths, so many misconceptions, terrible bad memories, mistrust at so many levels and broken promises that so many individuals never intended to keep. When trust is shattered in a million pieces, healing seems an impossibility. God must bring restoration and slow healing. We need the Lord, our Divine Physician and tender surgeon, to perform reconstructive surgery to our hearts to heal our faith and trust once again. Healing is ever so slow. It requires a bridge of healing to construct and build what took one moment or incident to destroy but what will feel like so many centuries before one can begin to heal and trust again. I trust in Jesus. I trust in God. I trust in Mary. As a family, I have never been let down. Actually, they can always be trusted because they have never lied and have always kept their promises. God says do not be afraid, have faith, believe, hope in the Lord. He is trustworthy and can be trusted with the truth, always.

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