Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“By the grace of God I am what I am.” Once a spiritual formator suggested to me and everyone he was spiritually directing in the Exercises of Saint Ignatius to look into a mirror until Christ became more interesting than I am. So as awkward and daring as it sounds, I did the exercise with serious intent and a hope for a positive desired outcome. What I encountered or rather, more accurately said is, whom I encountered was not what I expected to experience but even greater is to experience the great I AM in the very person that I am gazing upon me in the mirror. Not a conceited look or glance nor an overly critical stare or gaze but a true deep encounter of staring into the deep open space that lies beyond a look or a stare into an interior beholding that is not possible without something or someone to reflect. As I began to look, I began to notice that someone else was looking, gazing, and beholding me with my own eyes. I am not certain that I ever really noticed how beautiful God looks at us when he looks upon us with our own eyes. Try it. Do not be afraid or become overly self-conscious, self-centered or afraid that someone will see you. Be open and see you as you truly are for the first time. It is not silly but mostly important to note God does not look at you through your outward appearance. He is not looking or staring at your perfect or imperfect eyebrows or at your gorgeous hairstyle or facial blemishes, neither is God looking or starring at your ears or earrings or your nose or nose rings. God is looking directly at you not from the outside, but from the inside and he likes and loves what he sees. Focusing all your intention and energy, being quiet, still and focused do not look at your eyes but rather look into your eyes. Look deep into your eyes and begin to notice how God uses your own eyes to look at you and notice how beautiful he sees what he sees. Who you are, meaning the person you really are, that beautiful person God so graciously created in his beautiful image and in his beautiful likeness, that person cannot be covered up by worldly materials or exotic paints or fake costume jewelry or fancy hats, masks or gloves. No, by the grace of God you are who you are and that is wonderful in God’s eyes.

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