Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree, the LORD God called to the man and asked him, “Where are you?”  Being in the Lord’s presence should be our ultimate end and our most desired goal, for if you are with God and God is with you, and you are at his side always, what more is there to desire.  What more could you possibly want, ask for or desire more than God, who is the greatest fulfillment of our natural desires?  Being perpetually in God’s presence means no worries, facing no fears, having no troubles,  or anxieties for God is the sole provider of all that is good and all that we need.  If you have God, possess him and are truly united to him, then the One who created you, redeemed you and continues to love you will sustain you and continue to do so for an eternity.  The question, “Where are you?” is meant for us to consider our current situation and its proximity to God and the life and friendship he offers you.  Are you far, far away from God like a distant relative, an unwanted enemy or a far distant world or galaxy or are you close, very close to him like the breath in your lungs, the light on your face, and the life in your heart?  Are you so far away from God like a lost sheep that strayed from the flock, from the tender loving care of the shepherd that our Heavenly Father and the Good Shepherd have to scream out, yell out and call out to you, “Where are you?” because you are too far away.  It is hard to hear you and the sweet sound of your voice, which is not noise to God but a pleasant melody.  It is difficult to see you, the smile on your face or your grumpy disposition that still pleases God as opposed to not seeing you at all.  It is hard to feel the loving gift of your presence since you are so distant, cold, aloof, stiff-necked, non-committal and lukewarm. On the other hand, are you so incredibly close and near to God physically, emotionally, and spiritually that you can hear God’s sweet tender voice say to you in a quiet, gentle whisper, I love you and I AM so glad you are near and here.  I AM so incredibly glad I created you so that you and I can be together for all eternity like the breath of my Spirit and the love of my Son.

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