Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord!” Like so many things in our lives especially those that come from the Lord, a question can be a good thing if it is used in a manner that is helpful and useful to derive goodness. Questions are useful and helpful and something that is ultimately good when it helps develop and determine something that is ultimately good and worthwhile like assisting someone in obtaining knowledge to determine God’s plan and God’s will in their life. That is a good thing. Like the Lord, a good question begins with a good intention, continues to be and remains good and simply comes to a good, happy ending and never ceases to be a good thing. That is the Lord! Conversely, a question can be malicious in nature and intent. That is the enemy! It can be asked in such a sneaky way and deceptive manner so as to maliciously obtain information that is highly private and confidential and super sensitive in nature that can then be used for ill or to hurt another’s good reputation and damage that person’s good image or destroy their good name. This type of question may seem to be good on the surface but wrapped and disguised in maliciousness it does not continue to be good and ultimately seeks the demise of an individual. This type of question can be asked and stated in such a manner as to confuse, deceive or trip someone up to gain an unfair advantage for self-profit or to do harm to another or simply lead or cause another to sin. That is a sinner’s malicious evil intent and the Devil is the master of evil intentions. He is the master of deception and deceit. He uses questions and questioning to question God’s power and authority and even to undermine who we are as beloved children of God. The Devil uses questioning to cause us to question our own identity and that of every other person created and formed in the image and likeness of God. He uses questions to confuse us, deceive us and lie to us. He shrouds what appears to be good but underneath all the dazzling shining bling is a snare and a trap to cause us to question God’s good love and his loving intention. Like what the enemy did to Adam and Eve, constantly causing them to question what God said to undermine his love; we too can falsely believe a lie and question God’s good intention and love for us.

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Reflections from the Heart - July 9, 2023
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Reflections from the Heart - July 2, 2023
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Reflections from the Heart - June 25, 2023
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Reflections from the Heart - June 18, 2023
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Reflections from the Heart - June 11, 2023
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Reflections from the Heart - June 4, 2023
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinityby Fr. Ivan Olmo “If I find favor with you, O Lord, do come ...

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Reflections from the Heart - April 23, 2023
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