21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Do not disdain the discipline of the Lord or lose heart when reproved by him.” I recall and remember so clearly and vividly, a particular day so wonderfully full of graces, blessings, healings, teachings, ministry and prayer, as is every day with the Lord. The day was wonderfully grace-filled and fulfilling. Being so wonderfully tired and spent, so spiritually filled and exhausted, I entered a late night holy hour to thank God for so wonderfully using me throughout the day and to please permit me the profound grace of climbing into his tender arms and hold me like a child in his mighty gentle embrace. As I rested in the Lord, I heard the voice of an angel ask, “what do you know?” As I pondered the question, I understood the question as what did I know to be true, eternal and could never change. So I said, I know the Lord loves me. That he has always loved me and he will never stop loving me. I heard, “good, what else do you know?” Well, I said, I know the Lord has forgiven me and has helped me to forgive myself and to forgive others. Once again, I heard, “good what else do you know?” I said I know my Lord has never abandoned me. He never has. He never will. Once again, I heard, “good, what else do you know?” Finally, I said, I know the Lord has always provided for me. He always has. He always will. The Lord said, “Good, never forget what you know. It will get you through every situation.” I think of how many times I have forgotten the beautiful consoling and inspiring words the Lord graciously shared with me that day. Every time I recall God’s words, I find comfort, strength and peace. Every time I forget, I suffer difficulty, hardship, confusion. Why is it so easy for us to forget the graces and blessings but so easily remember and recall so vividly the hurts and pains, the sufferings and challenges, the trials and the past? We even say we can forgive but can never forget. Thank God that he forgives and forgets and will never stop loving and forgiving us. He will always provide for us and never leave us alone. The enemy’s hope is to get us to forget God and his amazing grace and undeniable love. He makes us recall and remember the past, the embarrassments and the humiliations. Never forget what you know. God is love and he will never stop loving you.

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