Pentecost Sunday
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”  God speaks to us as individuals.  He communicates to each of us in an individual and particular way.  Love is shared, life is given, prayer is formed, an eternal relationship established. God relates to us in a mode and method that each person can uniquely receive God and in receiving God, receive his holy inspiration, understand the response and answer to his prayer, and be able to interpret God’s Word given and shared through sacred scripture.  God speaks to each of his children clearly, directly and in a fashion that each person can more readily understand, who God is and who it is that is speaking to us.  God communicates his Word in spirit and in truth.  He communicates himself that we may know him more intimately, hear him more clearly, love him more profoundly and understand him more easily.  God speaks that we may lovingly receive.  We listen that we may lovingly respond and acknowledge God as the Lord of our life and the one we hope to hear and the one we pray to follow.  The Spirit is the same for everyone however, how he moves, breathes, and speaks to us individually is certain and in a certain way that is unique and distinct to each receiver.  Providing a message that is direct, personal, intimate and particular to each heart, hearer and receiver, the Holy Spirit enlightens, fills, encourages and corrects each of God’s children in a way that is unique to their given circumstances and specific to the situations they experience.  God speaks, the Spirt listens, the Son is heard, God is praised. God created us uniquely, especially and specifically for himself.  Each person is unique, each is individual, each relationship and person to God is personal, and all belong to God.  Each individual is a loving relationship to God.  Each relationship is good for God and uniquely beneficial for each individual person.  Everything from God is good and every good gift from God is helpful, useful and beneficial. A benefit is a good thing when used in accordance to God’s will and in a way that is pleasing to him and helps us to better know, love, hear and serve the Lord.   God is without need for he who creates and all he creates is good, beneficial, helpful and true.  It is beneficial to God and uniquely to us when we are open to the gift of his Spirt who opens our ears and listens to our hearts.

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