Sixth Sunday of Easter
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Blessed be God who refused me not my prayer or his kindness!”  When the mind is agitated, heart heavy, thoughts and feelings gloomy, turn to prayer and to Our Lady for she gently hears us, receives our poor little prayer and concerns, then leads and guides us ever so gently back to God.  Mother Mary understands us. She gets us. She knows where we are going and where we need to be.  When we are lost or downcast, she shows us the miracle of a cloudless, deep blue sky, the warmth of the sun, the gentleness of a breeze and the grace and beauty of prayer when offered through Our Lady, Queen and Mother of Grace.  She helps us to recall and remember the Father’s loving embrace upon our return from conversion, from true repentance and deep heartfelt contrition. In prayer, the Father is still holding us, he has not let go.  Never let him go. It is as if two individuals who have not seen each other for centuries suddenly see each other after so many ages and years. They hug and embrace as if never to let go. I prayerfully rest in this image of a prodigal child and son being welcomed home after so many years of searching and seeking, lost and wondering until Our Lady guided me home.  I have waited so long to come home and now I’m not ready to let go.  I am never letting go again. In prayer, I am back home in the Father’s house, in his home, in his heart, in his hand and grasp, in his loving touch and loving embrace and under his loving care. Praise God.  As a prodigal child, I focused my attention on worldly things that I never realized how beautiful being with the Father was. It is prayerful, dedicated time to reacquaint ourselves with heaven and the things of heaven and the beauty of creation.  It is time to meet and serve with those who work in the Father’s vineyard.  Time to rest and play by the meadow next to God’s house, to pray in his garden and to walk and worship in his field. God trusts me. It is a profound thought to consider.  That God believes in you, he has confidence in you, he trusts in you. In prayer, love invites us to grow, to learn and to deepen our relationship with God through Our Gentle Lady. It is a loving invitation to pray and grow in intimacy with God through and with Our Mother Mary.     

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