The Solemnity of Christ the King
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Listening is such a great challenge for us, yet it is the very thing, the source of our being, what we are most inclined to do. We, all of humanity and all of creation, have been created and instructed to listen attentively to the voice of our Creator, to hear and listen carefully to the visible Word he has sent to us, to listen to with the greatest attention and affection and to the Holy Spirit, the means and grace by how we listen, pray and respond. Responding graciously and respectfully to God and to one another is what we are created and called to do. Perhaps, the very thing our heavenly Father only really asks of us. To love him with all our heart, mind, strength, soul and being by believing and listening to his Only-begotten Son, Jesus, the Good Shepherd who was sent to become a sacrificial peace offering on our behalf in order to raise us in integrity and to newness of life. The challenge is that there is so much to listen to, people, vehicles, nature, enemies, hurts, wounds, pains but the reality is that we should only be listening to one person, God our heavenly Father. His voice is not distracting or a distraction but rather a sweet and soothing sound that remedies noise, is a joyous sound and a melody our heart, mind, body and soul wishes to hear and hopes to listen to, for the voice of the Lord is the sweetest sound to saints and sinners alike. Noise is a distraction, which uses noise as a distraction to distract us. The enemy likes to raise his ugly voice to curse and blaspheme the Holy Name of the Lord. He is that noise, that distraction, always making inappropriate sounds and gestures to distract us for listening to the creative sound and healing voice of the Lord who draws us through beauty, goodness and truth. Whom do you listen to, would rather listen to? Whom do you sound like when you speak? Are your words and the utterances of your heart life giving, lifesaving, life changing, encouraging and inspiring or are your words and the reactions of your thoughts foul, hateful, depleting, hateful? Who sounds like that! Listening to God, the source and nature of all truth sets us free. Listening to lies imprisons us. Speaking untruths is the dark prison of death we need to avoid. We belong to God. The truth we listen to who set us free.

Reflections from the Heart – October 1, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - October 1, 2023
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Have in you the same attitude that is also in Christ Jesus.” ...

Reflections from the Heart – September 24, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - September 24, 2023
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Conduct yourselves in a way worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Intimate ...

Reflections from the Heart – September 17, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - September 17, 2023
Twenty-fourthSunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet the sinner hugs them tight.”  Scripture ...

Reflections from the Heart – September 10, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - September 10, 2023
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo Come, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the ...

Reflections from the Heart – September 3, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - September 3, 2023
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Get behind me, Satan! You are an obstacle to me.” What is ...

Reflections from the Heart – August 27, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - August 27, 2023
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your ...

Reflections from the Heart – August 20, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - August 20, 2023
Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo "Lord, help me."  Prayer is such a simple thing, really and we ...

Reflections from the Heart – August 13, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - August 13, 2023
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “I wait for the Lord; my soul waits for his word.”  I ...

Reflections from the Heart – August 6, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - August 6, 2023
Transifuguration of the Lordby Fr. Ivan Olmo Peter said to Jesus in reply, “Lord, it is good that we are ...

Reflections from the Heart – July 30, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - July 30, 2023
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo "Do you understand all these things?" They answered, "Yes."  The word honest ...

Reflections from the Heart – July 23, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - July 23, 2023
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do ...

Reflections from the Heart – July 16, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - July 16, 2023
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are as nothing ...