Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” Christ himself tells us, so we must truly believe with unwavering faith, that he is truly, really and substantially alive and present in the Eucharistic bread offered and in the consecrated wine blessed on the sacred altar. No longer a piece of lifeless bread that may feed us or can sustain us for a brief moment of time or table wine that will briefly warm and cheer our hearts or cause our spirits to rejoice for a bit, but truly alive and truly present, his holy Body in his holy vessel, his precious Blood in his precious chalice. A gift of bread and wine from the Father that becomes Blessed, Sacrament, Eucharistic, life-giving, life-saving, life-changing, sustaining life, providing life eternal to all who faithfully receive him and all who faithfully believe in him. Through the graciousness of the Father and the gracious Gift of the Holy Spirit with the help and assistance of the consecrated ordained poverty of the priesthood of Jesus Christ, the Lord faithfully and graciously rains down from heaven his beloved Son and the gifts he brings through his Paschal Mystery. The redemptive gifts his Passion, Death, and Resurrection gained and won for us. This is the mystery of our faith. The hope and gifts we expect and desire to receive from the humble One who is true God and true Man and desires to become true food and true drink for you and for me. Grace that we may perpetually live in the life of Christ, share his Spirit and remain united to the Father, through him, with him and in him. Blessing that we may live a life with Christ and with him, be poor in spirit, meek in nature, and pure of heart. Healing that we may thank God for freeing us from the bonds of death and the pain, hurt and suffering caused by the effects of our own disobedience and sinfulness and the disordered desires and disrespect of others. Love that we may fully receive the goodness of God, celebrate the graciousness of his love and with God’s love, love one another as God has loved us. Mercy that we may learn from our merciful Father how to be kind and patient with one another and forgive one another from the heart. Pardon that we may forgive ourselves. Peace that we may not worry but trust that God will never abandon us and will provide living bread for us, always.

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