Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Christ came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.”   I love peace. The kind of peace that is unshakable, unstoppable, eternal. The kind of peace that echoes the greatness of the Lord within the interior of one’s soul and serenades one’s interior with a hymn of sacred freedom, tranquility, ease. The kind of peace that resonates deep within a heart that has been set free, forgiven, refreshed, healed, restored, renewed. The kind of peace within the mind of one that has been enlightened, purified, thoroughly cleansed. I love the kind of peace, true peace, Eucharistic peace that only Christ can bring and only he can give. The kind of peace he extends to everyone in a quite special, intimate and personal way. To those who are sick or suffer constantly. To those who grieve or doubt that peace exists or even possible. To those who still mourn or feel sorrow.  To those who are in chronic pain or afflicted in some or every way. To those who are living in complete darkness or live in a constant state of despair or depression. To those who are discouraged or disillusioned in faith, in family, in work or in life. I love the peace that is in Christ, that only he can give, that only he can extend to us poor sinners – poor children of God, poor children of Mary. I love the peace that is Christ. The peace that is ours.  The peace Jesus happily shares with all of us. I love the peace of Christ. I need his peace constantly, always, everyday, every moment of my life – in every situation throughout the day. I long for his peace. I hope for it always. The peace of Christ helps us to look deeper and with patience at those who hate or have wronged us. It inspires us to act differently towards those who are always negative or who seek to negatively challenge, influence or change us. Christ’s peace is a source of divine strength and divine healing. It helps us to see with caring eyes, like Jesus, the difficult people who oppress us and to be like Jesus in difficult moments.  In the peace of Christ, we have the power to remain silent in ugly situations, the grace to be humble in moments of rejection, the strength to be patient in persecutions, the courage to be loving and prayerful always. May that kind of peace, the peace of Christ reign and remain in our hearts forever.

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