The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“You say I am a king. For this I was born…” Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the actual Word uttered by God made visible. The mere sound of his Sacred Name causes all creatures in Heaven and Earth and below the Earth to bow and worship him unceasingly. One would think since he is Divine Majesty, his crown would be made out of the purest gold and covered with the most precious stones and adorned with the rarest gems. However, this king is a shepherd king, a servant king, a poor, meek and humble king. His crown is a crown of thorns. The crown of the Messiah, the King of the Jews. When we contemplate the Crown of Thorns, in addition to seeing the pain suffered by Christ, one should also see our gracious Savior praying, loving, repairing for the sins of humanity. What an amazing grace to understand this. Not to look at the Cross in shame or as something shameful but to see love, God’s love. We needed Jesus to die. To die such a cruel death so as to melt the stubbornness of our hearts and dispel the darkness from our minds in order to feel, see and experience the profundity of God’s love, his amazing patience, the intimate love he has for each of us. Jesus had to die a horrible death for each one of us, to free each one of us. Our minds and hearts could not possibly comprehend God’s love on their own. We need to understand that Jesus allowed himself to be mocked and humiliated and crowned with thorns to show us what unconditional love looks like. O Lord, our souls belong to you, long for you. Thank you for granting us pardon and peace. Our bodies give you thanks for preserving us as instruments of your peace, cups of salvation, temples of your holy glory. O Lord, our hearts love you for you cleansed them, washed them, kissed them and made them your own. Our spirits rejoice in you. We love being with you, ministering with you, helping others through you, remaining in silence and in prayer with you. But our minds can be far from you. At times heavy, at times tired, at times sluggish. Our minds are always analyzing, always questioning, always suspicious, doubtful. May your Crown of Thorns pierce our minds with your marvelous light and saving grace. May you crown us in your glory for truly you are our Lord, our God, our King.

Reflections from the Heart – April 30, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - April 30, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Easterby Fr. Ivan Olmo Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you.”  The ...

Reflections from the Heart – April 23, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - April 23, 2023
Third Sunday of Easterby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us; make our hearts burn while you speak ...

Reflections from the Heart – April 16, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - April 16, 2023
Divine Mercy Sundayby Fr. Ivan Olmo “I was hard pressed and was falling, but the LORD helped me.”  Scriptural images ...

Reflections from the Heart – April 9, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - April 9, 2023
Easter Sundayby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.”  From the ...

Reflections from the Heart – April 2, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - April 2, 2023
Palm Sundayby Fr. Ivan Olmo When he entered Jerusalem the whole city was shaken and asked, "Who is this?"  If ...

Reflections from the Heart – March 26, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lentby Fr. Ivan Olmo “I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word.”  Will you ...

Reflections from the Heart – March 19, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - March 19, 2023
Fourth Sunday of Lentby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.”  I recall ...

Reflections from the Heart – March 12, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - March 12, 2023
Third Sunday of Lentby Fr. Ivan Olmo “True worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth.” The Holy Spirit ...

Reflections from the Heart – March 5, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - March 5, 2023
Second Sunday of Lentby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in ...

Reflections from the Heart – February 26, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - February 26, 2023
First Sunday of Lentby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Led by the Spirit into the desert… Jesus fasted for forty days and ...

Reflections from the Heart – February 19, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - February 19, 2023
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who ...

Reflections from the Heart – February 12, 2023

Reflections from the Heart - February 12, 2023
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Timeby Fr. Ivan Olmo “Let your 'Yes' mean 'Yes,' and your 'No' mean 'No.' Anything more ...