Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“I am the LORD and there is no other, there is no God besides me.”  I think for me personally, the most important trait and attribute of any person or any relationship is trust.  Can others rely on you to be faithful, committed, and trustworthy with the truth, the whole entire truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?  You see, what you say and how you respond and the comments you share form a person’s thoughts and conscience and informs their decisions.  If you cannot be relied upon to share, state, and say only the truth in all its entirety without diminishment, deceit, or embellishment then what you say, or mention will lead others astray and cause them to believe things that are false, inaccurate, and untrue and lead them to make misinformed decisions.  Even keeping certain details from what is shared or even withholding certain facts or telling a little lie is simply not the truth, therefore, you simply cannot be trusted or be held as trustworthy with the truth that sets you and others free.  Trust is important and the key to establishing life-long friendships and relationships including one with our Lord.  I admit trust is difficult because so many people have shattered and destroyed our trust. We have been hurt and deceived many times.  The enemy cannot be trusted and unfortunately some of our family and friends as well.  But the truth is, there is and has been an enemy within all of us that has broken trust. At times, we have been the ones to shatter a person’s trust and confidence, leading them astray causing them to sin and make false claims and accusations and even causing them to make poor and bad decisions because we failed to be trustworthy with the truth.  But thanks be to God, trust can be restored and reconciled through a good confession and a true, good, and everlasting intention to never be deceptive again, to be faithful to your covenant and commitments, and in telling the truth always and avoiding lies always.  God is truth and trust and trustworthy.  God has never deceived you and can be trusted always and forever to tell you the truth.  That is the truth. Although you may not be ready or open to hear the truth or there is a good chance it could cause you hurt or sadness because of the shame, embarrassment or disappointment but thank God the truth sets us free from the lies.  Trust in God. There is no one like him.

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