Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Lord, in your great love, answer me.”  Perhaps one of the most unrecognized or unnoticed needs we suffer in our humanity is the need to be recognized, noticed, heard.  It might be for strictly selfish reasons or simply because unnoticed internal beauty appears to fade away. We just need to know that our message was welcomed, received, appreciated.  That our words are not wasting away but rather that our knowledge, opinion, judgement is helpful in some small way.   We simply need acknowledgement, a nod, a wink, a smile, some sort of recognition.  We need an answer.  We need a response.  At times, our suffering fallen humanity wants to test our knowledge and be reassured that we are wise, smart, better than the rest.  We want to impart knowledge, provide guidance and assistance, give a direct answer, teach others what we have learned. We want to be helpful.  We want to resolve the problem, provide a solution.  We want to save the day and be recognized and acknowledged for doing so.  We want to provide an answer.  We have something to say, something to offer, something to contribute.  We have the answer you need. A response would be helpful but is it truly helpful, if the answer only confirms what you already know?  You know what you know but need someone else to tell you so.  We say, answer me.  Answers can be helpful, hurtful, needed, unwelcomed.  It depends on the relationship.  It depends on the answer provided if it is truly necessary, helpful, truthful, needed.  Relationships depend on God, need love, hope for honest communication. We require direction, information, knowledge, understanding, assistance.  Relating answers that are helpful and providing honest responses to key relational questions is helpful, necessary, welcomed, appreciated.  Such questions as do you love me, will you be there always, can I count on you to be honest and true, can I trust and confide in you, will you marry me, are you friend or foe?  These are most important, profound, life necessary questions, which require an honest answer and a direct but gentle response in order for a person to respond accordingly. In order for us to take the necessary next steps.  We hope and pray that the answers we receive help us in our own quest and journey for God, for happiness, for peace.  We hope and pray the answer we hear will help us resolve our situation and bring resolution and closure to the problems we face. Prayer relates directly to God.  In his great love, he will answer you.

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