Fifth Sunday of Easter
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.”  I love the intimacy of God and his desire for intimacy and closeness with us.  God knows us. He just does.  He knows everything about us for he who created us knows how he created us. He knows us, everything about us. Yes, God even knows of our sinfulness and that we are prone to selfishness, anger, disputing and thoughts of being reckless.  God even knows that at times, we are tempted to lie and deceive others even and perhaps especially those we love – even and especially perhaps God. Yet, God still loves us unconditionally and with a love that always prefers us, provides for us, will never deceive us and will never abandon us even when we remain hard of heart, stiff-necked and self-serving. God knows our hearts for he fashioned them for his home, for himself.  God fashioned our hearts for his sanctuary and dwelling place.  God has written his name on our hearts. He really knows our hearts for his grace has cleansed and sanctified them. God knows when our hearts are light and when they are troubled. If we had a nametag on our heart it would lovingly say, “I belong to God.” If we had a price tag on us it would lovingly say, “Priceless, not for sale.” If we had a label on us it would lovingly say, “100% made in heaven.” That is how well God knows us.  He knows our hearts for they belong to him.  He knows our life for he ransomed us from sin, Satan and death and set us free.  God knows our every thought, word, and deed.  God knows everything about us for he fashioned us in his image and likeness and even knit us in our mother’s womb.  When our Lord says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled” it is because he knows us.  We are worried about so many things.  We even entertain evil thoughts in our hearts.  God hears those.  He knows that we love and are capable of loving yet at the same time we can hate and become hurtful and even refuse to believe or forgive.  God knows we believe and have faith and are capable of trusting and loving God with all our heart, mind, body, soul, strength and being yet at the same time he needs to remind us in difficult moments and unexpected circumstances to have faith in God and to say Jesus, I trust in you.

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