Easter Sunday
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Brothers and sisters: If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above.”  As night loses its grip and its hold over us, as darkness fades into the shadows of the night and begins to lose its stronghold over all humanity, dawn gently and quietly begins to inch forward and patiently bursts onto the scene.  The light begins slowly to overwhelm and penetrate the darkness with its quiet brilliance and soft glorious light. The light emits subtle streams of translucent rays of sunshine with unimaginable colors that show forth God’s creating glory ushering new life, a new beginning, new hope that we may see what God has planned for those who trustingly love and faithfully believe in him.  The darkness gives up and gives way.  It loses it hold, its grip. It disappears as light begins its gentle but overwhelming demand over the darkness to leave, to fade, and go away, so that light may welcome us all into a new day, a glorious day with new vision and endless opportunities to follow the glorious path God has destined us to share with him endlessly.  Holy Scripture invites us to make note, with deep gratitude and joyous thanksgiving, that this new day is an endless day, an eternal beginning causing us to rejoice in and be glad with the creative work of God’s suffering and redeeming love.  For we no longer walk in darkness like those who stumble and fall.  Rather we walk comfortably and confidently with the Lord who saved us and graciously became our means, our life and our salvation.  God is the path and the road leading us all safely back home via the eternal and everlasting way to the happiness that God so graciously created us in and created us for to enjoy with him forever. We no longer walk an unsafe unlit path unable to see the troubles and obstacles that darkness creates for us and seeks to place in our lives.  No, we are children of the light; for God’s glorious light brightens everyday of our lives with endless possibilities for eternal joy.  God lightens our journey and walks with us.  Easter is that moment to stop and wonder what God has so graciously done for you that you may joyfully enjoy eternal happiness once again.  You may ask and wonder, why be glad or rejoice when darkness still looms and over takes us now and then? Because God is the Light of the World.  Darkness has no hold over us.  The Lord is truly risen. We sing Alleluia!

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