Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office, is how the Church prays.  How it prepares to share in the graces of Mass and praise God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The word “Liturgy” implies that what is being celebrated is connected to the Mass and Sacraments, Praise and Worship, Spirit and Songs. The Liturgy is who we are, what we are about and who we were created to be. As God’s creation, we are his beloved children created to honor and adore him in all things and in all ways. It is so important to the spiritual nourishment of our earthly pilgrimage and the salvation of our souls that Holy Mother Church requires those ordained to Holy Orders or professed as Consecrated Religious to take a vow and make a solemn promise to pray the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day into night. Praise be to our awesome God for teaching us how to pray and for giving us the means and tools to enter more spiritually, religiously and reverently into his sacred presence, to remain with him in Holy Communion. The Psalms play a key role in the Liturgy. They offer the opportunity to reflect on God, speak with him, sing his praises, listen to his voice.  We sing, we praise, God speaks, we listen. The Psalmist invites us to taste first then see the goodness of the Lord. Isn’t it suppose to be the other way around? Don’t we first see with our eyes what we are about to eat then after consuming it are able to taste whether it is good or not?  Unfortunately, due to sin, our eyes have grown tired and dim, our vision has become blurred and fuzzy, our sight misguided and misdirected. We are unable to clearly see what we are truly eating. We see bread and wine rather than the banquet and feast that has been graciously set before us to feed our spirits and nourish our souls. As a result of our misconduct and misdeeds, through our misbehaving and mischief, in our misdoings and misgivings, our faith and belief have been dampened and darkened. We are unable to first see the good things God has done for us. We are unable to be consumed by its goodness. We now must take God in first through his Word and through his Sacraments in order to taste God’s love and compassion, his grace and mercy, his pardon and peace then see he is infinitely good.

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