14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Go on your way…” Our life is often described and compared to that of a journey. But where are you going? Do you know where you are going? Have you prepared for the journey? Where or what is your final destination? Are you heading in the right direction? Where is the road that you are following leading you? Will it bring you to eternal life or will it bring you destruction? Will it bring you closer to Jesus or further away? It seems that one road will lead us to a gate that upon entering, we will obtain grace, peace and eternal happiness. These are the rewards and consolation of our travels and good deeds. The other road is wide and well traveled but it will lead many, if not corrected, to the gate of that terrible place of perpetual darkness and constant desolation. Our final destination depends on who we are following and how we are living our earthly life. Our Lord invites us to consider the choice that has been set before us and to understand the unalterable consequence of our decision. He shares with us his thoughts on the matter, the innermost desire of his heart, his preference for each of us, his hope in our decision to choose and follow him. God wishes us to choose life, to choose him. Can you hear him saying to your heart, “please I beg you choose me.” Jesus reminds us of the path to the Father, the road that leads to heaven, the journey that brings us perpetual peace. He says you know the way. But our hearts like Thomas say we don’t know where you are going, how can we know the way? Jesus invites us to look deep within our hearts and discover the truth. To consider the way to deny yourself, to take up our crosses and to follow him on the road less traveled.  The road to eternal peace. We must live this life as Christ did by being faithful to the Father, obedient to his will, longing for heaven, attentive to his voice, caring for his people and praying to his heart. We must walk towards God, towards Jerusalem, towards our heavenly homeland. We must avoid the temptations along the way, love those who hate us, pray for those who persecute us and forgive those who wrong us. We must die with Christ so that we can rise with him for truly he is “the way and the truth and the life” the Father chose for us.

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