Third Sunday of Advent
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” Not obtaining spiritual guidance or direction, or receiving spiritual counsel, is like a person going on a journey to a familiar place or an individual traveling to a remote place for the first time without planning the course or seeking the best route to travel feeling no need for assistance or guidance along the way.  At times, we travel life busy and hurried.  We move from one place to another or from one conversation to another, never stopping to look around, to notice where we are, where we came from or where we are heading.  We travel without really knowing where we are going or where life is taking us.  Where are you heading, moving so quickly, so fast, so hurried?  Do you know?  Stopping and asking the Lord for spiritual direction is like a person who realizes they are lost or moving so quickly and anxiously not going anywhere.  We move but fail to reach our true destination, which is divine intimacy and right relation with God. Rather than stopping and asking the Lord for direction, we tend to move through life hurried and fast paced without seeking input from the Lord or discerning with him where he wills to take us.  Without God’s assistance or without God’s presence, we travel life all by ourselves, all alone, self-directed with no real end or purpose in mind.  We live life in the fast lane rather than slow it down, stopping to look around, listening for God’s voice guiding us this way or that way.  We avoid asking for direction.  We avoid prayerful contemplation and taking the beautiful peaceful, scenic route.  We avoid contemplating with the Lord his guidance and direction as he directs us on our faith journey. As he guides us along the everlasting way.  This is the will of God the Father, for you his child in Christ Jesus his Son.  This is the cause of our joy and the reason for our gratitude and thankfulness.  God knows where he desires you to be, walks with you, carries you and brings you safely into his arms and heart, into his life and love, into his eternal presence and your heavenly home.  Christ is the way and destination the Father has chosen for you, the Holy Spirit your spiritual guide and director, the Word of God and Blessed Eucharist your sustenance, Mary and Joseph your beacon and light.  What is missing is gratitude. To say thank you.

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