Third Sunday of Advent
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel!” Many have asked where my joy comes from. What is the source and the cause of all that joy? The response itself is a cause and a moment of joy that echoes a joyous memory in my heart and a hymn of praise. Recognizing and recalling those things that fill us most. The greatest joys that make one’s eyes smile from ear to ear and one’s heart to leap for great joy. That would be Mary. One of my greatest joys. Thankful to God for our Lady of Grace, our Mother of Hope, our Queen of Peace. Thankful for her Immaculate Heart, her Amazing Grace, for bringing us a Savior, for bringing me to Jesus when life feels empty and dry; for bringing me to Jesus when life seems gray and lifeless and I have run out of cheer and there seems to be no more wine. I am thankful to our Lady for beholding me at the Foot of the Cross as her beloved child and for praying for me like the disciples in the Upper Room of her Immaculate Heart when I feel afraid or fearful, worried or anxious in any way. Thankful Mary is our Mother of Perpetual Help, the Help of all Christians, Comforter of the Afflicted, and the Refuge of Sinners. Go to Mary. She will lead and point you in the right direction. She is the Mother of Mercy, the Holy Mother of God, the Holy Mother of the Church and our Beloved Mother Mary. There is so much joy. It bursts forth in knowing that God created and chose Mary for himself to be the Mother of his Son, the Temple of his Holy Glory and the dwelling place of his Holy Spirit. Thankful to God that he created and chose Mary for us, as well to be our Lady of Wisdom, our Lady of Good Counsel, Mother of the New Evangelization, Queen of Heaven and Earth; Queen of the Universe. Our Lady loves us, prays for us, watches over us and never judges us but graciously corrects us and always leads us to her Son that he may heal and reconcile us, cleanse and feed us nourishing us with his precious Body and Blood. What joy to sometimes know and experience our Lady’s closeness and presence when one encounters the sweet aroma of a Mystical Rose or the wonderful aroma of purity that fills our minds and senses and every room Mary quietly and gently enters into.

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