Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“Why were you looking for me?” At the heart and core of our being is a great need, an aching desire to be heard, understood, respected, received, welcomed and loved. It seems to be at the forefront of our very existence; at the core of our being is the great need that causes us to search for a reason, too long to discover an answer. We spend the day hoping and our time is consumed. We become determined to satisfy this hunger and to achieve the great goal we long to experience. What a blessing it is to encounter a listening someone, a patient ear, the kindness of a person that will welcome and allow us to vent, to share our inner most desires and freedoms. To be able to say what is on our hearts and minds with a gracious listener, a listening person without feeling prejudged or even to experience the emergence of impatience, but rather the kindness of time and patience to have the blessed opportunity to share and discuss your hopes and dreams, your passions and longings, your hurts, sufferings and frustrations. What a blessing it is to be listened to, understood, respected, received and welcomed with such patience and affection as the Lord does for each of us. Jesus experienced this great longing, the searching of a suffering broken heart that prayed that someone would hear and listen to the sorrowful aches of a fallen humanity and entertain the great desire for healing, reconciliation, unity and family once again. It is God’s aching desire and humanity’s greatest need. From the fall of creation, we looked for Jesus. In the birth of his nativity, shepherds, kings and enemies continued to look for Jesus. The Baptist waited and looked out for him. When the disciples encountered him, Jesus asked them directly, “What are you looking for?” Later, we would even hear the disciples say that our Blessed Mother Mary was outside while the crowds pressed in on Jesus because she also was looking for him. Why are you looking or not looking for Jesus? The crowds longed to see him, kings wished to adore him, shepherds to behold him, people to be near him that he might touch them, understand their great longing and hunger for family, unity and peace. They hoped he would receive them into his heart and home. They welcomed him into their hearts and lives. They were looking for love, light, freedom, healing, life. Pray for an intimate, personal, direct knowledge of Jesus. Without knowing, you’ve been looking for him.

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