Third Sunday of Lent
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

“True worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth.” The Holy Spirit moves my heart when I share from the heart a morning when God made his presence known, felt and acknowledged.  It is as if God was simply present all night watching and setting his gaze upon me as a parent would with a newborn child anticipating, waiting for the moment to welcome the child into the dawning of a new day. I rested. God watched, he smiled and waited.  When one becomes aware that the night is far spent and morning is about to arrive, we often are not aware or ready to welcome it or look forward to begin a new day with all the hopes, possibilities, opportunities it could bring. God helped me in an instant to know he was there and wanted to welcome me into his awesome presence.  The Spirit moved, Jesus revealed the Father and the truth is I had no words and did not know what to say.  Good morning Lord. I know you are here.  I want to say something but I don’t know what to say or how to say it.  God read my heart and shared what my heart wanted to say.  He said I wanted to be honest with him in prayer and not to be afraid of speaking honestly and sharing openly what was on my heart and mind. I said, yes Lord I pray for that.  God then shared I wanted to engage him in prayer as in a covenant, when two are mutually sharing their thoughts, feelings and desires, sharing all life’s experiences. I acknowledged that was something I was hoping for as well.  God then said that I wanted to be authentic and real with him when we prayed, spoke, or ministered together. Seriously Lord, you know me better than I know myself, better than anyone could ever know me.  Yes Lord, it is true I pray to be authentic and real with you. To be genuine and not fake or plastic but come to you and share with you without false pretenses or trying to impress you in any way.  Then God said I wanted to trust him more.  So thankful for the gift of transparency with you Lord.  Lord, you see everything. Nothing is hidden from you.  Yes Lord, I pray for the grace to place all my hope and trust in you, your grace, your word, your holy will. Thank you for revealing your heart and mine as well.  HEART: Honest, Engagement, Authentic, Real, Trust. 

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