Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Fr. Ivan Olmo

The Lord said to me: “You are my servant, through whom I show my glory.”  Imagine for a hectic moment in your ordinary busy day, in your ordinary hectic life, in the busyness of it all, God interrupts your schedule.  Yes, God interrupts the plan you so diligently worked out during your endless, sleepless night, the obstacle course you designed, created, intended to run throughout the day, and says, “You are my servant, through whom I show my glory.” Yes, God says to you, “You are my servant, through whom I show my glory.” Say it very slowly. Repeat it once or twice again. “You are my servant, through whom I show my glory.” Listen to the word God speaks directly to you.  The intention he wishes you to consider. The attention he wishes you to give to his voice, to his word, to his loving inspiration. “You are my servant, through whom I show my glory.”  Now consider the truth of the matter, the reality of it all, the loving invitation God shares with you personally.  Take a moment from your hectic day and pause for a divine moment and consider saying what God has shared with you very slowly, to ensure you understand what God is saying to you personally and that you heard God correctly. Say it to yourself slowly, personalizing it, making it very personal, intimate, yours. Say, Lord, I want to make sure I am hearing you correctly and that it is you speaking and that you want me to understand what you are saying to me personally, that I am your servant, through whom you want to show your glory.  Be honest.  How does that sound, make you feel?  What is your reaction?  What is the first, initial, thought, response that comes to mind when you hear yourself say that you are God’s servant and through you, God wants to show his glory.  Is your initial response, no way Lord, I am too busy, I don’t have time. Say that slowly. Sorry Lord, I don’t have time to be your servant. Now say, “Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.” Perhaps, you might think or say to yourself, I am not worthy to serve you Lord but what about him, he is holier than I am or what about her, she is a better candidate, why not choose her. Say it again slowly; personally, I am here Lord because you love me. My glory is to know, love, and serve you by loving and serving others.

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